Desexing your pet in Goulburn

Desexing is the surgical procedure that prevents your pet from reproducing, by removing parts of the reproductive tract. It is also known as spaying in female pets and castration in male pets.

Desexing is the most common surgery that is performed at Southern Tablelands Veterinary Hospital. If your pet is a LARGE BREED DOG >35kg new evidence is merging suggesting delaying desexing until 12 months of age may benefit some dog’s bone development. For smaller dogs they mature more quickly and so are desexed sometime between 6-12 months of age. Female dogs usually have a season before 12 months of age. Please contact the clinic to discuss any concerns. 

Here is some information for you on the advantages and disadvantages of undergoing this surgical procedure. 


If you do not intend to breed from your pet, surgical desexing has undoubted advantages both in the male and the female. In the male it removed the sexual urge so that if your pet gets the scent of a bitch in oestrus (heat) he is unlikely to show any interest which in certain breeds can be an undoubted advantage. Desexing the female prevents oestrus as well as breeding. She will not come into heat and therefore will not have to be confined. 

Owners are often tempted to have at least one litter from a female. There appears to be a general misconception that having a litter will improve temperament. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory whereas it has been proven that neutering in the female not only obviously prevent subsequent and not uncommon diseases of the uterus but also reduces the possibility of breast cancer. Once desexed the female will have no oestrus and will not have unwanted puppies or phantom pregnancies, which in females causes a lot of distress. 


It is a common myth that a desexed animal will become fat and lazy. Sensible feeding of a premium commercial pet food without excessive treats should adequately control any problems of obesity, just as it does in the non desexed animal. Another common myth is that the desexed pet loses character. Admittedly, desexing is often carried out for certain behavioural concern and often pets will become more gentle but they will not lose their spirit provided they are not allowed to become obese and are just as active as their non desexed counterpart. 

We recommend all pets that are not going to be used for breeding to be desexed. The best age to desex pets in most cases is at 6 months of age (later for large breed dogs); we are happy to advise on the best time for your individual pet and needs.

Pets that are booked in for desexing surgery are admitted in the morning. In most cases, male dogs and cats go home the same day – generally late in the afternoon, while female dogs and cats stay in overnight – going home the following day.

Desexing procedures while the animal is in heat incurs an extra cost and is not recommended if it can be avoided. The surgery becomes more complicated because the the blood vessels to the uterus and ovaries are enlarged. This means the surgery takes longer and there is an increased risk of bleeding during the surgery, putting the animal at risk of major blood loss. The extra cost covers a longer surgery time and potentially an assistant surgeon.


On arrival at the hospital, we will require you to fill out an admission/consent form. At this time we will ask you a series of questions to ensure that your pet receives everything they require.

Prior to the anaesthetic, your pet will be examined and given a dose of pain relief and sedation in order to make them more comfortable. On recovery they will be kept warm and quiet, with food and water offered when they are ready. Pain relief will be repeated as needed.

On discharge, we will issue your pet’s desexing certificate and aftercare notes. We ask that you keep your pet quiet and monitor their wounds and general wellbeing. Please don’t hesitate to contact the hospital for advice if you have any concerns about your pet following desexing.

Please phone the hospital on 02 4821 1966 if you wish to book your pet in for desexing. Pets undergoing surgery should have no food after 8pm the night before, and no water from 7am that morning. Please note we require all dogs to be fully vaccinated before they can come into the hospital to be desexed.